Information for Children & Young People
The Scottish FA has created documents that explain how adults will promote and respect your rights and wellbeing when you are involved in football. You can find out more by clicking the links below or watching the videos above:
Understanding your Rights in Scottish Football - for children.
Understanding your Rights in Scottish Football - for young people.
Information for Young People on the role of Intermediaries/agents.
You may be looking for more information about your wellbeing. Childline provide great info and advice on a whole host of topics that can help you understand your wellbeing and rights: Info and advice.
If you are worried or concerned about anything, this could be something about you, a family member, a friend or the way an adult is acting or acted towards you, you and your parent/carer should seek to resolve the issue with your club Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer (CWPO).
However, there are a range of people who you can talk to who can help and provide you with the support you need, which can be found here: How To Report a Concern
Whoever you report it to, they will listen to you and take your concerns seriously. They may need to report these concerns on to someone else but they will inform you who they are going to tell and why.
It can be daunting telling someone about your concerns but Childline provide some tips on how to build confidence within yourself here or through their YouTube page here.
The Scottish Government’s Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) is based on children’s rights, and its principles reflect the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The GIRFEC approach is child focused, based on an understanding of the wellbeing of a child or young person in their current situation, and based on tackling needs early in a collective way. As part of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, the concept of wellbeing and the GIRFEC approach is now enshrined in law in Scotland.
The GIRFEC approach supports children and young people so that they can grow up feeling loved, safe and respected, and can realise their full potential. Children and young people should be: Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible, Included. These are the eight wellbeing factors and are commonly known as SHANARRI Indicators.
A child or young person’s wellbeing is influenced, both positively and negatively, by everything around them and the different experiences and needs they have at different times in their lives. Each child should be helped to reach their full potential as an individual. The wellbeing indicators make it easier for everyone to be consistent in how they consider the quality of a child or young person’s life at a particular point in time. By having a universal language and understanding for everyone who works with children and young people, collectively we can contribute to promoting, supporting and safeguarding a child’s wellbeing whether they are in an educational, health, community or sporting setting.
It is essential that in Scottish football the wellbeing indicators are understood and that Scottish Para-Football and Game Leader members of staff know how to respond and with whom to share information if worried that something is impacting a child or young person's wellbeing.
More information on the SHANAARI indicators can be found on the Scottish Government's website.